Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science

Department of religious and cultural studies

Department of religious and cultural studies is the center for training specialists in the field of “Religious studies”, “Cultural studies” and “Islamic studies”. The department`s history is closely connected with the faculty of philosophy and political science`s history and with the beginning of philosophy in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. The department`s employees and graduates played a significant role in the formation of Kazakhstan's philosophical thought. Teaching of subjects at the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies is conducted in Kazakh, Russian and English at the student's choice. Educational programs of Bachelor's, master's and PhD doctoral studies. Within the walls of the department there is an opportunity to study in the following specialties: 6B02203-Religious Studies. 7M02203-Religious Studies. 7M02204-Religious identity in conflictstudies, 8D02203-Religious Studies. A religious scholar can work in the analytical services of the National Security Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, departments of state administration, internal policy, research and analytical centers, and departments of religious affairs 6B02202-Islamic Studies. 7M02205-Islamic Studies, 7M02206-Islamic Philosophy, 8D02204 – Islamicstudies.Employers ofstate and non-state higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, employeesof the Halal Standardization Committee, SAMK and other state and non-state institutions and international organizations can work as independent experts in the mass media and as part of the expert commission, in the Committee on Religious Affairs 6B03102-Cultural studies. 7M03106-Cultural Studies, 7M03104-Cultural Studies (SU, Bulgaria; two-degreecourse), 7M03102-Kulturology OP, 7M03105-Culturalультурная Anthropology, 7M03127-ПроектнаяProject activity in culture, 8D03102-CulturalStudies.Publisher ofcultural studies in educational institutions of general and secondary vocational education, such as schools, colleges, and lyceums. Employee of the special structure of the internal Affairs and national security agency, assistant, expert. Cultural and educational employee of a certain organization, observer of the cultural sphere in the media system. Expert in the evaluation of cultural values, consultant of the cultural work zone. He can work as animage researcher, public relations specialist, cultural policy specialist, etc.

Ainur Kurmanalieva

Head of the department

Ainur Kurmanalieva

Department contacts

History of the department

Grant and foreign projects