International relations department
The Faculty of International Relations was founded in 1995 according the Resolution of the Academic Council of the University №88 of 28.04.1995 following the Motion of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the years of its work, the department has come a long way, rich in events. The idea of opening the Faculty of International Relations in Kazakhstan had been a longstanding issue. After the collapse of the USSR, the Republic of Kazakhstan needed its own specialists in International Relations, International Law and World Economy. As Kazakhstan gradually integrated into the international community, the issue of training specialists of International profile became increasingly urgent. Therefore, the idea of establishing of the Faculty of International Relations was widely supported by the Government was widely supported by the Government and society.

Today the department is a major scientific and educational center, which makes a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified international specialists in all three levels of education: bachelor's degree - master's degree - PhD doctoral studies. All specialties of the department are accredited by the world's leading accreditation agencies. In the world ranking of QS Subject, specialties of the department take high places: "International Relations", "Regional Studies", "International Law", "World Economy", "Translation Studies in the Field of International Relations and Law".
Successfully using modern educational technologies, the department is considered to be the leading forge of personnel in the field of international relations and foreign policy, international law and the world economy. Graduates of the department successfully work in the state bodies of the republic, in the field of business in international organizations.
The scientific and pedagogical activity of the department enjoys well-deserved recognition and respect in the republic and far beyond its borders. Over the years, the department has established stable partnerships with leading foreign universities of the near and far abroad. International cooperation contributes to the development of active international mobility of students and teachers.
The main areas in which our graduates work:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Diplomatic missions and consular offices;
- Departments for External Relations of public authorities of the ministries and departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Law enforcement agencies: prosecutor's office, internal affairs, court, advocacy, notaries;
- National security agencies;
- International intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations;
- Commercial and non-profit organizations, as well as other organizations that ensure the use of the Bachelor of International Law for professional purposes;
- Economic, financial, marketing, production, economic and analytical services of organizations of various industries, spheres and forms of ownership;
- A translator in government agencies, translation bureaus and agencies.
The Faculty is guided by the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals:
Goal 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5 - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Bachelor's degree programs
The purpose of the discipline is to construct students' general cultural and professional competencies in the field of international relations and diplomacy, information and analytical activities according to the requirements of the internal and international labor market as well as the development perspectives of the country and region.
High-quality training of specialists capable of performing professional functions of a lawyer with knowledge of international law, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, a foreign language in state bodies and non-governmental organizations, in law enforcement agencies, courts, arbitrations, other legal institutions, in kazakh, foreign and international companies
Formation of general cultural, general professional and professional competencies of students in accordance with the requirements of the domestic and international labor market and employers, high-quality training of qualified bachelors with fundamental knowledge in the field of political, legal and socio-economic sciences in analyzing complex regional processes with the ability to use the results in practical activities
Forming in students the ability to solve organizational, managerial, and scientific research problems in the field of foreign economic activity of business companies in the real and financial sectors, state regulation of international economic relations in Kazakhstan. The program is aimed at training international economists who speak foreign languages and can meet the needs of the Kazakh and international labor market.
The purpose of the program is to train bachelors, highly qualified translators, with professional competencies, who have an understanding of new areas of modern translation studies and meet contemporary employer requirements and needs of society in the field of international and legal relations.
Master's degree educational programs
The aim of the program is to train qualified specialists, competitive in labor market, able to assess interaction of international actors on all levels of analysis, fluent in foreign languages, with skills of independent research work.
Qualitative training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of regional studies, capable of critically interpreting and evaluating the latest theories and concepts about the state and trends of global and regional processes; integrate knowledge of scientific theories, schools and directions in research and scientific and pedagogical practice; explore problems of regional and international level in the context of innovative scientific methodologies, conduct expert and analytical work.
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in demand for work in the field of international law, jurisprudence, foreign policy and higher education, professionally proficient in foreign languages. The program is aimed at meeting the needs of state, law enforcement agencies, state and non-state institutions dealing with issues of international law and foreign policy, organizations dealing with the protection of human rights and freedoms, law enforcement, international and national security.
Training of qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of the global economy, ready for formal and informal leadership in solving complex problems, using foreign languages, modern methodology and IT. Training of specialists capable of conducting research, teaching, expert advisory, administrative and management activities in the field of international economic relations.
The goal of the program is to train highly qualified interpreters in the field of international and legal relations who can perform high-quality translation of public speeches at major international conferences, using two or more languages in the field of international and legal relations, scientific, technical and cultural life.
Preparation of highly qualified specialists in the fields of foreign policy and international relations which were trained in English capable of assessing various aspects of modern international politics, interaction of states, international organizations and other actors in the international arena at various levels of analysis; possessing research skills and capable of performing independent research work; fluent in a foreign language; the formation of professional competencies for undergraduates in accordance with the requirements of the domestic and international labor market and employers, standards in this area of master training.
Training of qualified personnel who speak a foreign language, use modern methodology of research activities with the use of modern digital technologies, develop applied projects in the field of the world economy and international economic relations, apply modern pedagogical strategies of training
The goal of the program is the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of international law within the framework of cooperation of universities on the project of the Network University of the CIS. Graduates of this program will be in demand for work in the field of international law, jurisprudence and foreign policy, will be ready to conduct research, to carry out teaching activities. The program is aimed at meeting the needs of state, law enforcement, state and non-state institutions, ministries and departments dealing with international law and foreign policy, organizations dealing with the protection of human rights and freedoms, law enforcement, international and national security. Graduates who have studied under this program will be able to carry out expert advisory, analytical, management activities on the problems of compliance with international law and the laws of the CIS countries, to prevent violations of the principles of international law in the activities of state bodies; solve scientific problems in the field of international law, draw up the results of scientific research in scientific publications and master's thesis
Training of a qualified scientist, international economist, with in-depth knowledge in the field of world economy and international economic relations, owning the tools of scientific knowledge, able to apply scientific methods in the study of the problems of the world economy, professionally speaking foreign languages, a specialist who is able to analyze and manage the foreign economic activity of enterprises, engage in international business, deeply versed in the sphere of international trade, markets, international monetary and financial relations.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Training of competitive highly qualified scientific and pedagogical, administrative, expert and analytical personnel in the field of the international relations trained in English having abilities to the critical analysis and assessment modern scientific achievements to generation of the new ideas at the solution of research and practical tasks; knowledge able to project and conduct complex researches on the basis of complete system scientific outlook with use in the field of the international relations and formation at doctoral candidates of professional competences, according to requirements of domestic and international labor market and employers, standards in this direction of training of doctoral candidates according to their inquiries and the prospects of development of the country and region
Training of highly qualified international economists in the field of scientific and pedagogical, production, management and innovation activities, possessing deep professional knowledge, capable of innovative scientific and production activities in the field of world economy. Training of specialists of a new formation, capable of using interdisciplinary knowledge, foreign language, philosophical methods of scientific knowledge, modern technologies, able to argue their own original scientific ideas in discussions in a diverse intercultural environment.
High-quality training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovation, possessing professional knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies that allow them to carry out effective research, teaching and administrative activities in accordance with the requirements of the domestic and international labor market and employers
Training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of conducting fundamental scientific research in the field of modern international law, proficient in the methodology of scientific knowledge, able to apply scientific methods in the study of problems of international law in the activities of government agencies, international organizations, research institutes, higher educational institutions and various enterprises. Graduates of this program are able to carry out expert advisory, analytical, managerial activities on issues of compliance with international law; systematically use knowledge of related scientific fields, interpret the basic theories and concepts of the science of international law, can create new conceptual knowledge that develops international legal science; determine the significance of their scientific activities, present research results in a reasoned manner, conduct discussions on issues of international law, including in a foreign language.
Training of qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel who have the skills to conduct research activities in the field of modern problems of the world economy and international economic relations, who are proficient in the methodology of economic science and innovative methods of processing economic information based on IT technologies, who are proficient in modern pedagogical training strategies, who are able to promote economic and social development in the interests of forming a knowledge-based society
Educational programs
Apsattarova Gulzada Abdusagatovna: +7 (707) 429-19-85
Mukhammedzhan Akbota Yerlikkyzy: +7 (778) 664-92-29