Invitation Dear students and teachers of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology!

8 march, 2021

Scenario by Ussenov N., Buzayev N., undergraduates of the 1st year of the Department of "Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry"


Session: National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic


The purpose of the session: help students of Kazakhstan to reveal their potential to the maximum and enter the TOP universities in the world on a grant basis.

Session objectives:

what do we know about grants?

-  everything about the rules of admission for the 2020/21 academic year;

-  all information about entrance exams and enrollment;

to know the advantages of National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic;


Session type: acquaintance with new material.


Key issues:

1. Nuances of receiving a grant.

2. National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic.

3. Ways to reduce harmful emissions.


Methods and methodological techniques: dialogical method of presenting knowledge – storytelling with elements of research and conversation, illustration method.

Means of education: computer, presentations, ZOOM platform.


Session structure:

I. Organizational stage. Meeting the presenters, setting a goal.

II. Learning new material (dialogical method with elements of research).

III. Consolidation of knowledge (conversation).


Course of session:

I. Organizational stage.

17:00 – 17:03. Meeting the presenters.

II. Learning new material.

The presentation is shown on the screen.

17:03 – 17:07. Requirements for candidates.

17:07 – 17:08. Financial aspects.

17:08 – 17:12. Application procedure.

17:12 – 17:30. Invitation paper. Example

III. Consolidation of knowledge (conversation).

17:30 – 17:58. Student questions.

17:58 – 18:00. Conclusion.


A few days before the start of the event, an invitation was sent out in three languages. The invitation text is attached below.


Topic: National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic

Time: 24 february. 2021 05:00 PM Almaty

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 Predicted result: The Slovak Republic is one of the most popular countries where students from Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine go to study. The largest Slovak university - the Slovak University of Technology - are annually included in the list of the most prestigious and rated universities in the world. Preparation of documents for admission to Slovak educational institutions should begin long before the start.

 Relevance of extracurricular activities:

Foreign education is invariably popular with Kazakhstanis. It should be noted that among them there is a fairly high percentage of students who, after studying in another country, return to live and work in Kazakhstan. That is why, in addition to opportunities for obtaining external scholarships, government funding programs are also available to Kazakhstanis.