"The Great Teacher of the Steppe"

15 march, 2021

On March 12, 2021 at 17.00 p.m. senior lecturers of the Department of Foreign Languages Tleugabylova Z.A., Makhazhanova L.M., Bekalaeva A.O. together with Eseeva A.B., the senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Studies of M.Kh. Dulati Taraz Regional University held an on-line literary evening "The Great Teacher of the Steppe" dedicated to the 180th anniversary of Ybray Altynsarin.

The presenters of the literary evening, Torebekov Alikhan and Esenalina Korkem greeted all students and presented readers of Ybray Altynsarin’s poems. They alternately talked about the fact that people in ancient times guessed that the name affects the personality and the person’s fate. They emphasized that the name of Ybray Altynsarin comes from the Hebrew, this is one of the names of the prophet Abraham. In Kazakh, it means - "El agalary," that is, "prominent people, the support of the country."

Students read famous verses of the great enlightener of the steppe:

- Sabitova Alua "Lukman akіm,"

- Komek Aigerim "Ozen,"

- Mubarakova Dilyara "Ananyn suyu."

Bolatova Anel, Makhmut Akzer, Nalibaeva Anar, Bakytbekkyzy Aruzhan prepared a presentation and talked about the most interesting facts from the great educator’s life, for example: in 1860, Ybrai Altynsarin received the task to open the first elementary school in the Orenburg fortification, it was in Turgai, and Altynsarin was appointed to this new school. He was 19 years old!

Esenalina Korkem summed up the literary evening, preparing a quiz, consolidating the knowledge of students.

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