Meeting of the scientific WorkshopFarabi University

Meeting of the scientific Workshop

3 april, 2021

The reports on the implementation of research work of doctoral students and undergraduates at an expanded meeting (scientific seminar) of the Department of Biotechnology were heard and discussed. 03/27/2021

Agenda: Reports of doctoral students od 1, 2, 3 years, and 2nd year Master’s students on the implementation of research work


1. Doctoral students 1-3 courses on the implementation of research work

2. 2nd year undergraduates on the implementation of research work


1 Nurgazina Alina

2 Izmukan Azamat

3 Kanayat Shattykgul

4 Rysbekuly Kaster

5 Kanalbek Gulzat

6 Token Aziza

7 Kakimova Ardak

8 Beisenbai Akerke

9 Mustapaeva Zhuldyz

10 Malik Azhar

11 Evloeva Khava

12 Esentaeva Kuralay

13 Karabaeva Inkur

14 Talipova Aizhan


1. Kuanyshbay Asem Amanzholovna

2. Medeubekova Balzhan Myrzakhanovna

3. Miyatzhanova Kuanysh Dauletovna

4. Nabieva Amina Makhambetovna

5. Rakhimzhanova Balzhan Erlanovna

6. Sabitova Sabina Galymovna

7. Sarsembaeva Sabina Amirlanovna

8. Satayeva Kamila Nurlanovna

9. Sisemali Kuanysh Raimbekovich

10. Tanaubay Ulzhan Zharmakhambetovna

11. Toktyrova Dariya Sultanovna

12. Toregeldieva Aidana Ernazarovna

13. Shyrynova Balzhan Amirbekovna

14. Konyrbaeva Dinara Bolatbekovna

15. Production Bagzhan Gapparalievich

16. Ramazanova Zhanel Altayevna

17. Turganbay Symbat Zhumagalievna

18. Wefak Storay


Speakers: 2nd year doctoral students with a report on the implementation of the doctoral student's research work. The results of research on the topic of dissertations, publication of the results in scientific journals, as well as the results and plans of scientific internships for doctoral students were presented.


Decision: reports on the implementation of research work of doctoral students were heard and discussed at an expanded meeting (scientific seminar) of the Department of Biotechnology. The results of the completed work of doctoral students for the reporting period were taken into account.

Workshop chairman – Associate Professor Kistaubaeva A.S., Secretary, Ph.D. Abdieva G.Zh.

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