International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: "Impact of the pandemic on the achieving of the sustainable development goals: trends and effects"Farabi University

International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: "Impact of the pandemic on the achieving of the sustainable development goals: trends and effects"

5 april, 2021

On April 8-9, 2021, the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will hold an International Scientific and Practical Conference on the topic: "Impact of the pandemic on the achieving of the sustainable development goals: trends and effects".

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the overall achievement of the SDGs in the future, as well as to identify the main mechanisms for reducing the negative impacts in developing countries. The leading domestic and foreign scientists and experts will participate on the work of the conference session.

As part of the conference, on April 9, 2021, a round table "Sustainable development of Kazakhsta's companies in the context of the pandemic COVID-19" and a master class "Writing a literature review for scientific research" will be organized.

The conference will be held in the following thematic areas:

Section 1. Current trends and strategies of business technologies in the context of the pandemic;

Section 2. Crisis management in the context of a pandemic: mechanisms and scenarios;

Section 3. Post-pandemic economic development: realities and opportunities;

Section 4. "Reset" of the financial sector in the face of global challenges.