An event dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz called " Қош келдің, әз-Наурыз" was held

8 april, 2021

03/20/2020 An event dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz called " Қош келдің, әз-Наурыз" was held. The event was organized by the IS-20-1 group of the specialty "Information Systems" and the group advisor Gulnur Aksholak. As part of the event, students performed the kyuy "Kureuly" of the composer Daletkerei and "Aku" of the composer N. Tilendiev. Students recreated the images of Kydyr Ata, Aldar Kose and Tazsha bala, and games related to the traditions of the Kazakh people were held among students and guests of the event. The types of national dishes and methods of their preparation were presented. At the end of the event, the floor was given to Abenov Bolat, senior lecturer of the Information Systems Department.

Department of Information Systems