The Dean and activists of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics took part in the ecological working Saturday

19 april, 2021

An ecological working Saturday was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, during which 120 seedlings of Crimean pines were planted on the "Alley of Trees" with the participation of the head of the university Zhanseit Tuimebayev. 

Work on the improvement of the campus of KazNU has been conducted since March. On the eve of the Nauryz holiday the "Alley of Trees" was opened. Staff of the university planted more than 160 Crimean and Altai pines.

On the Day of Science Workers 90 seedlings of apple trees of "Sivers" sort were planted on the territory of University campus. This tree was mentioned in the article of Yelbasa Nursultan Nazarbaev as one of the seven faces of the Great Steppe. The plot of fruit trees was named the "Garden of Scientists".

During the working day the work on the greening of the campus continued - 120 more seedlings of conifers appeared in the "Alley of Trees".

Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebayev, speaking about the tasks in the program article of the President of the country K. K. Tokayev “Independence is the most precious thing”, it is resolved that the envisaged tasks should be clearly reflected on the territory of KazNU.