The Department of Biophysics, Biomedicine and Neuroscience invites You to take part in the educational event "Islam jáne salt-dástúr", which is held within the framework of the program "Rýhanı jańǵyrý" in honor of the day of the Ramadan. The educational event will be held online on the Microsoft Teams platform with the participation of of 3 year students of the "5B060700-Biology" specialties.
Guest of the evening: graduate of the Shymkent madrasa college, Naib imam of the Yrysty Ana mosque Yesenkul Nurtugan Almabek uly
Date: 21th April 2021 Start: 4:30 p.m.
Organizers: Master's degree students of the 1st year of the specialty "7M01504-Biology" Sertay S., Mahanbet K.
Everyone is invited!