Earth Day

29 april, 2021

On April 22, 2021, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​A.K. Shayahmet held an educational and cultural event "Earth Day" devoted to 30 years of independence of Kazakhstan, as part of the "Brighten the corner where you are!" program. The event was hosted on the ‘Zoom’ platform with the participation of students and faculty from the American Technology Center in Los Angeles, California. Al-Farabi KazNU students made a presentation and talked about the beauty of Kazakhstan and environmental problems. Kazakh and American students asked each other questions and discussed issues common to the whole world. In conclusion, both sides took part in the educational game ‘Kahoot!’. The event was fully held in English, both sides - Kazakhstani and American students - were pleased to note the enormous benefits and information content of this event for everyone. The teachers of the American center D. Walker and S. Castro Lowe expressed their gratitude and made a proposal to continue cooperation in the name of the common good. All participants agreed that tireless educational work is needed to improve the condition of our common home - Mother Earth.