The academic legacy of Professor Kairzhan Bekhozhin was inaugurated

15 may, 2021

Kairzhan Nurgozhaevich Bekhozhin is a person who has a special place in the annals of the Kazakh press. It is impossible to look at the history of our national press without his name. Professor Kairzhan Bekhozhin has been recognized in the scientific community since the 50-60s of the twentieth century as a researcher of the historical heritage of Kazakh journalism. The journalistic legacy of the scientist in the thirties and the career of the founder of the Department of Journalism of the Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov in the forties, his journalistic research had a great impact on the formation of our native press as a science.

Today at the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the framework of the VIII Bekhozhin readings was held a republican scientific-practical online conference "PROSPECTS OF THE PRESS: FORECASTS AND PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS." The conference was chaired by the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism S. Medeubekuly, who opened it with an introductory speech. After the introductory speech, a graduate of the faculty, journalist O.Aidarbek's documentary film was showed "Life's Event" The meeting was attended by Associate Professor of Print and Electronic Media, Candidate of Philological Sciences G. Maikotova, and her report "Kairzhan Bekhozhin - teacher, scientist, publicist" was introduced.

At the conference, Professor of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Ahmet Yasawi Kulbek Ergobek spoke about the great historian of the Kazakh press. Zaidakhan Bekhozhin, a member of Kairzhan Bekhozhi's family, wife of the poet Kalizhan Bekhozhin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Laila Akhmetova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Clara Kabylgazina, writer-journalist Kaiym-Munar Tabeev, Kh. Associate Professor of Atyrau University named after Dosmukhamedov Manshuk Mukasheva took part in the debate, trying to reveal the secrets of Kairzhan Bekhozhi's civic position as a scientist and shared various memories.

Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Kairat Sak stressed the vital importance of the work of researchers in the history of the Kazakh press and prose. Emphasizing the spiritual value of the history of the Kazakh press today, the scientist stressed the need to teach it in depth to modern students. And the film critic, PhD, T.K. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after K. Zhurgenov, Associate Professor of the History and Theory of Cinema, K. Baubek Nugerbek, Bekhozhi's nephew, said he would make documentaries to promote the professor's creative legacy and distribute them on national television. Also, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism L.Noda emphasized the importance of the scientist's work and analyzed the areas of strengthening the continuity of the history of the Kazakh press. The online conference was organized by the head of the department of print and electronic media, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor G. Sultanbayeva. She summed up with the scientific report "The lights of Kazakh journalism." At the end of the conference according to the results of the competition for students of Bekhozhin readings, prizes were awarded and scholarships were awarded.


A.Malikazhdarova, a first-year student of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, won the 1st place in the nomination "The best TV project" for the program "Life full of lessons" A well-known scientist, K. Bekhozhi's best student T. Zhurtbay was awarded a nominal scholarship. In addition, the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Journalism D. Yakhyarova and 3rd year student of Turan University B. Turysbekova took 1-2 places in the nomination "The best scientific work". 3rd year student of the Faculty of Journalism A. Aukesheva was awarded 2nd place for her research work "Journalism in the XXI century.

The group "Zhas Tolkyn", consisting of 101 students of the Faculty of Journalism, won the 2nd place in the nomination "The best radio program" by presenting the radio program "Bekhozhin Alemi" In the nomination "The best TV project" 3rd year student Zh. Kuantai, and in the nomination "The best scientific work" M. Matrunina and A. Kshnyakinas took the 3rd place.

The conference was attended by K. Bekhozhi's relatives, students, researchers of journalism and mass communication, professors and teachers of journalism, media specialists, students and undergraduates and doctoral students took part in it.



Galiya Maikotova,

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Associate Professor of Press and Electronic Media,

 Candidate of Philological Sciences.