Today, 29.05.21, a number of events were held within the framework of the ISMS 2021 symposium

30 may, 2021



   The third day of the XXVII International Symposium of Morphological Sciences ISMS 2021 "Cell, tissue, organs - experience, innovation and progress" has come to an end. Today there was a lot about medical education, about Laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery, sections of biological reproduction and clinical anatomy were also passed.



Section "Medical Education"In this section, in the format of a round table "Medical Education", the following issues were discussed:1. Problems and solutions of online teaching and learning in medical schools around the world during a pandemic.2. Questions of academic mobility among medical students3. Not only teaching issues will be interesting, but also organizational issuesscientific research among students.



The round table began with a preliminary lecture on the topic: “Professional development of teachers in the medical faculty: using teaching models”, lecturer Hendrik Mathis Josef Frenken. Senior Education Consultant. ICLON, University of Leiden (Netherlands)Section moderator - Derbissalina GulmiraCandidate of Medical Sciences, Associate ProfessorProfessor, Head of the Department of General Practice, Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.



1. Report from Diana Lyashchenko (Orenburg, Russia) "Features of teaching the discipline of human anatomy among students of a foreign student faculty in an intermediary language (experience of the Department of Human Anatomy of Orenburg State Medical University)"






The conference was held on the Zoom platform, and was attended by local and foreign professors, teachers and students. Section Chair: Professor Stefania Nottola, Italy.




Guest Lecturers: Masahiro Nakashima, Professor, MD, Japan. He gave a lecture on "Molecular pathology of nodules in nodular follicular thyroid tumors."



Speakers: 12 From Russia, Japan, China, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Kazakhstan. 

Participants: 40 participants attend this Section



The section “BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION” was chaired by Professor Mohamed Mahmoud Fergali, Maternity Hospital, Sabah District, Shuwayh, Kuwait.Professor Ibrahim A. Abdelazim, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Ahmadi Hospital, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), Kuwait lectured on the importance of anatomical aspects of the female genital tract in surgical procedures.



Then they listened to the speech of Saule Kabedaevna Balmagambetova, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Oncology, ZKGMA named after. Marat Ospanova on the presence of human papillomavirus in cytological smears of low risk and low grade of malignancy in women over 30 years old in Western Kazakhstan.
The second speaker of the section, Rimma Tagirovna Sulaimanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology, Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia, Associate Professor of the Department of Morphology and Pathology of the University of REAVIZ, St. Petersburg, made a report on the pro-carcinogenic effect of antiestrogen Fulvestrant on the ovaries of the offspring of laboratory mice.




Maria Grazia Palmerini, Associate Professor, Department of Human Anatomy, Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Italy, demonstrated the results of two studies: 1) morphological study of the ovaries in a mouse model with PCOS and the role of MG-dependent glycative stress; 2) ultrastructural analysis of raccoon testes in the area of ​​the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.Then the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics and lecturer of the Department of Morphology and Pathology of the Private Medical University REAVIZ, doctoral student, Samara, Russia, made a presentation on the variant anatomy of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.Akmaral Saparbaevna Adilgereeva, PhD doctoral student of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy, ZKGMA named after Marata Ospanova, made a presentation “Morphological findings of benign ovarian neoplasms in Western Kazakhstan”.The last speaker Tatiana Chudnova, winner of the 1st prize in the pathology section of the conference "Medical Spring" 2020, Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia, made a presentation on "Morphological features of premature birth in gestational surrogacy."
Also, a scientific and practical workshop on the topic “Laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery. Practical course on human corpses ”. The main speakers of which were invited experts:Diogo Paris - Professor and Chair of the Department of Anatomy, Medical Ethics and Law, Nova University (Lisbon, Portugal);Human Cadaveric - urologist, member of the European Council of UrologyCorpse Training Coordinator, Nova University (Lisbon, Portugal). At this online seminar, the speakers shared their experience in surgical training of doctors, senior students on human corpses. First of all, they informed about the procedure for donating bodies, the embalming technique, clearly demonstrated the moments from the training in laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery in the field of urology, ethical issues were not left without attention.

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