The XXVII International Symposium of Morphological Sciences ISMS 2021 "Cell, tissue, organs - experience, innovation and progress" has ended.

31 may, 2021


   From May 27 to May 30, 2021, in Almaty, at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the 27th International Symposium of Morphological Sciences - ISMS 2021 (XXVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences) was held, timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.The organizers of this event are the Eurasian Organization of Morphologists and the Department of Fundamental Medicine, the Higher School of Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.



    For the first time, one of the CIS countries, Kazakhstan, was chosen as the venue for the symposium. The choice of KAZNU named after al-Farabi as the main venue for ISMS 2021 was a confirmation of the university's high status as a scientific and educational hub in Central Azim and one of the leading world-class research universities. Considering the situation with COVID-19, the event was held in hybrid mode (partly online).More than 2000 specialists of morphological science from 25 countries of the world took part in the work of the International Symposium: Italy, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, Turkey, Egypt, Korea, Japan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and other countries.The symposium became an interactive platform for specialists in all fields of medicine and natural sciences: from biologists and morphologists to clinicians and allowed not only to enrich their knowledge in this area, to get acquainted with the latest achievements of morphological science, but also to improve the results of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of various diseases.



    Within the framework of the event, 6 sections worked; 2 round tables, 2 master classes and 3 open lectures took place. A competition for the best report was held in the section of young scientists, the winners of which were: Abdul Razak Imran Khan with the report "A novel biomarker distinguishes the benign looking ectopic follicular thyroid tissue from malignat found in the cervical lymp node of thyroid tumors" and Valery Ignatiev with the report " Renal artery variability according to computed tomography ".All materials from XXVII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences 2021 will be published in the Annals of Anatomy, (indexed in the Scopus information base).At the closing ceremony of the event, the President of ICSMS, Professor Guido Macchiarelli, thanked the organizers of ISMS 2021 for the high level of the symposium, and also expressed personal gratitude to the Eurasian Organization of Morphologists and the Department of Fundamental Medicine, Higher School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Kazakh National University named after Al- Farabi.


Video recording of the congress posted on Youtube

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