The cult of a healthy body

16 november, 2021

Venue: building / auditorium: VKS "ZOOM"

Participants: Head. senior curator of the Department of "business Technologies" Sharapieva Madina Duzbaevna, students of the LG21k1 group (20 people out of 23), curator of the PHD group, senior lecturer. Adilova Nazdana Dzhems-Uatovna and students of TF-312 group of Tashkent State University of Transport (22 people), Faculty of "Management of Transport Systems", Department of "Organization of traffic on transport", curator of the group Ph.D., acting Professor Suyunbayev Shinpolat Mansurovich.
Number of students: 42 people.
Analytical reference: an open curatorial hour was held by the Department of "Business Technologies" for students of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan on the topic "In a healthy body-A healthy mind".
It is no secret that the "consumer society" created by the "powerful forces of this world" for a long time and constantly requires real work of consciousness from its members. A modern person should not think about the consequences of his actions, live one day and always want something. In modern society, the cult of the body is a successful means of keeping a perso's attention on this surface, leading him to a low existence in which only primitive animal feelings and instincts are present. It is impossible to convince such a person that there are other levels of life.
Up to a third or even more of the services in a modern metropolis depend on the body. Many beauty salons, fitness clubs, plastic surgery ads, nutrition banners, shaping specialists, nutritionists, etc. Perhaps a modern urban person spends half of his life and budget on improving his body!
In recent years, Kazakhstan has quickly overtaken Western Europe and America in promoting a healthy lifestyle.
A person who is very concerned about his health and appearance is convenient for an authoritarian government: he has little interest in public life.
Purpose: formation of the concept of "healthy body" among young people and the influence of factors on the growth of a healthy body in modern realities.
1. formation of the concept of "healthy body cult" in ancient times (Ancient Greece).
2. formation of the concept of "healthy body cult" in modern society.
3. education of the value of one's own body and health, as well as the formation of childre's knowledge about fitness, the most important principle of which is "do no harm!".

The results achieved: the understanding that the most important thing we have is our health seems obvious today and is beyond doubt.

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