The Golden Man (Altyn Adam) - the cornerstone of our historyFarabi University

The Golden Man (Altyn Adam) - the cornerstone of our history

20 november, 2021

Al- Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Pre-University Education, Leaders of the club "Young historians" and "Museum Studies" at the Department of Pre-University Training N. Mazhikyzy, O.D. Sandykbaeva, Leaders of "Local Studies" and "Atamura" clubs K.S. Ashirbekova, S.A.Nusipbaeva, G.Zhumadil at the meeting with Scientific researchers of The State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Issyk" Zh. Kurbanali E. Aitkulova on 12.11.2021 at 16.00. On the online platform ZOOM, a video tour was held on the theme "The Golden Man (Altyn Adam) - the cornerstone of our history", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of our independence. The purpose of this event is to acquaint students with the lessons learned from the history of ancient Kazakhstan, to develop them scientifically and socio-culturally, and also to promote our own history.

           With the help of the researchers of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Issyk" Zh. Kurbanali and E. Aitkulov, the exhibits of the museum were presented to the audience one by one, through the camera. In particular, there was a wide presentation of  The Golden Man (Altyn Adam) and the artifacts found with him. The event was attended by more than 60 listeners from Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Iran, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. The event achieved its goal and was held at a high level.