Specialists of geographic information cartography are trained at KazNU

31 january, 2022

This academic year, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University opened the first specialty in the country in the field of "Geoinformation Cartography". The comprehensive introduction of the educational program taught at the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management at the master's and doctoral levels shows the need for the profession in society.

The fact that the technocratic world is increasingly meeting new industry needs is becoming a reality today. At the same time, in many countries around the world there is a growing demand for thematic and comprehensive mapping due to the full use of natural resources and productive forces. The study of the world's oceans and the fight against environmental pollution are very important today. There is a need for accurate cartographic images and materials to show them fully and accurately.

“In line with modern requirements, cartographers and GIS scientists around the world are increasingly interested in automatic mapping with Big Data science, Machine learning, Data science, and Deep learning. Scientists from the United States, Europe, Japan, and Russia, in particular, have been using automatic GIS technology since the beginning of the 21st century. And young people studying at KazNU in this specialty will master the use of remote sensing methods and various geoinformation technologies needed to study the environment, "said the head of the department Aizhan Asylbekova.

The educational program is aimed at training highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the domestic and international labor markets. During its development, a comprehensive analysis was carried out, taking into account the experience of foreign partners.

Graduates of the program will be involved in the development of modern cartography and geoinformation knowledge, its methods and competencies, as well as teaching and development of disciplines in higher education, solving modern scientific and practical problems of geographic information cartography.

Also, graduates of "Kazakhstan Space Journey", "Kazgeodesy", "Institute of Space Research named after OM Sultangazin", "Geo-CAD", "Institute of Geography and Water Safety", "Institute of Space Engineering and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan", " Leica Geosystems ”,“ National Cartographic and Geodetic Fund ”,“ Kazgeokosmos ”can improve their professional skills.


Press service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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