"Sartaev Readings"

6 february, 2022


On November 26, 2021, within the walls of the Law Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, an international scientific and practical online conference on the topic "SARTAYEV READINGS-2021: DEVELOPMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AS A SOVEREIGN STATE: MODERN REALITIES, NEW IDEAS" in memory of ACADEMICIAN of NAS RK,  PROFESSOR SARTAYEV SULTAN SARTAYEVICH.

The conference was moderated by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Doctor of Law, prof. D. L. Baydeldinov.

Sultan Sartaevich Sartaev was a famous statesman, an active deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the XXII and XXII convocations, a politician, thinker, philosopher, scientific researcher, a true scientist, orator, publicist, poet and, finally, a teacher and mentor.

It is symbolic that the Sartaev Readings, which are held within the walls of Al-Farabi KazNU at the Faculty of Law, where Academician Sultan Sartaevich Sartaev worked almost his entire scientific life, and this is from 1955 to 2019, coincided with the events on the eve of the celebration of the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

By the forces of the Faculty of Law, in particular, the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional Law and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law of KazNU named after al-Farabi, where Academician S.S. Sartaev worked for a long time. foreign and Kazakh scientists, statesmen and politicians of sovereign Kazakhstan, relatives and friends of Academician S.S. Sartaev were invited.

The guests of the conference shared warm memories of Academician S.S. Sartaev. as an outstanding scientist, a beautiful person both externally and internally, his family and friends. It is gratifying that everyone was unanimous in the opinion that the memory of the political and legal figure Sartaev S.S. should be preserved for posterity!


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