Republican scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of the history of the Fatherland in the period of independence", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kuanyshbek Suleimenovich Karazha

24 february, 2022

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of History, Department of History of Kazakhstan on February 24, 2022, held a republican scientific and practical conference "Actual issues of the history of the Fatherland during the period of independence", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kuanyshbek Suleimenovich Karazhan. The purpose of the conference is a thorough study of the contribution of the hero of the day to the development of national historical science and historiography, discussion of topical problems of national history at the present stage. During the conference, the life and scientific activities of Professor Kuanyshbek Suleymenovich, the memoirs of his contemporaries and students, the contribution of the scientist to the development of national historical science and historiography were discussed. In addition, the conclusions of scientific research on political, cultural and socio-economic issues of national history were analyzed. The conference was attended by leading Russian historians and young researchers, social scientists, representatives of state and public organizations, and the media.

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