"Cөйлей білу де өнер"

13 march, 2022

The Department of "Economics" held a debut discussion related to today's event. The students were divided into 2 groups "Elite" and "Sunkar" and organized debates. Debate resolution "Does the state need Communism?". Government: group “Elite” Members: Musayeva Orynbasar, Bekbay Nazerke, Kuzembayeva Nurailym, Oryngalieva Gulsezim. Opposition: group “Sunkar” Members: leader Maulenova Moldir, Askarova Aruzhan, Turlymbet Shugyla, Yesmesov Nuriddin. On November 29, 2021, at the organized curatorial hour on Zoom "Cөйлей білу де өнер", the Elite faction took the first place in the debate tournament. In the debate tournament among this group, the leader of the Elite faction was a 1st-year student of Economics, Higher School of Economics and Business of Kaznu Musayeva Orynbasar Talgatovna, in whose group Bekbai Nazerke Kanatovna, Kuzembayeva Nurailym Kanagatovna, Oryngalieva Gulsezim Akylbekovna The Sunkar faction took 2nd place, and the leader of the Elite faction Musayeva Orynbasar received the title of the best speaker.