Message From The President. The goal is defined and the task is set.

4 may, 2022

The main goal is to export ICT products worth 500 million US dollars by 2025 (now about 30). Our industry must prove that it can not be supportive of other economic sectors, but independently benefit the economy directly!
To do this, you need to solve the problem with the shortage of IT specialists.
Many who work in our field will confirm that the IT market is experiencing a shortage of specialists. Therefore, we will intensively train 100 thousand IT specialists until 2025. To do this, IT vouchers will be issued to Kazakhstanis who have a mathematical base for studying in private and public schools. IT schools (per capita principle). We plan to issue 20 thousand vouchers by 2025. Together with the Ministry of Education and Science, the programs of universities and colleges will be revised in order to improve the quality of graduates. Archaic programming languages (pascal, basic) and outdated technologies will become a thing of the past. Independent centers for confirming IT qualifications will be created.
The task was also set to ensure the collaboration of the IT market with national companies. The register of domestic software will be further strengthened for priority purchase by national software companies from the list of domestic ones! The experience of working in BI Group has shown that traditional industries in tandem with IT specialists can give birth to new startups. It is necessary to connect industries where Kazakhstan traditionally has advantages over other countries with young IT entrepreneurs who want to solve problems, but often do not see them. We will focus on the oil and gas, construction, MMC, and uranium industries. 
Venture funds will be created with the support of the state and national companies to support young IT entrepreneurs.
The second block of questions on the figure was devoted to the digitization of public administration.
Many thanks to the President for supporting the TST initiative. We will put a barrier to the automation of archaic processes. Let's move on to the principle of reengineering first! That is, digitalization is not the goal itself, you need to transform the processes first! Asking at each stage the question "Why and why are we doing this?!"
Next, about the platform. Many skeptics on this topic, but Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Yandex, Kaspi, etc. use at its core platform model of digitalization.
They do not keep 400 information systems and databases on different technologies and antediluvian programming languages. Sometimes the withdrawal of obvious services takes a year. Because there are 10-20 integration points. Therefore, the transition to the platform model will be carried out with partners, which will give the domestic IT market an additional impetus, as orders will be placed for transferring from the old IP to the new modern Kazakh platform.
As a result, 100% of services should be simplified, and we will make it possible to receive them via a smartphone in a few clicks, as we do money transfers today.