Science Talk - How the computer sees

4 may, 2022

How does a computer see — in what ways does it recognize certain objects, what clues does it focus on and how is a person able to control computer vision?
Get answers to these questions and create your own algorithm for recognition at the Science Talk online workshop: together with Alexander Pak, you will create a program that will be able to distinguish superheroes in images!
 The workshop will be held on September 28 in Russian on the Zoom platform. The beginning is at 19.00, Nur-Sultan time. Duration — 1.5 – 2 hours.
⚡ Participation is free for everyone. Participants should know the basics of algebra, geometry and the Python programming language. Before the workshop, you need to install JupyterHub on your computer.
➡️ Registration by swipe in the Current.
Workshop presenter Alexander Pak is a Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Big Data Mining Laboratory at the Institute of Information and Computing Technologies #iict, lecturer at the Kazakh-British Technical University #kbtu, graduate of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
🔹Science Talk is a series of events where Kazakhstani and international scientists explain how modern science lives by the example of their own research, development and inventions. The organizer of the Science Talk is the Caravan of Knowledge with the support of the Chevron company.