Online meeting of partner countries within the framework of the EU ERASMUS+ program

4 may, 2022


The meeting was attended by 27 people, project partners from Azerbaijan - Baku State University, Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Mingachevir State University, International Academy of Ecoenergy; Turkmenistan - Turkmen Agriculture University named after S.A. Niyazov, Magtumguli Turkmen State University, International University of Humanities and Development; Kazakhstan - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova, Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayeva, as well as Consortium partners from Germany - Berlin Technical University, EXOLAUNCH GmbH.

The following issues were discussed:

- results of the implementation of the project work plan at the moment;

- completion of unfinished activities and determination of optimal communication channels between the coordinators of the partner countries for the preparation of the interim report of the consortium on the project;

- the need to develop criteria for the selection of teachers and conduct a competition among the teaching staff of each university of the partner country to determine the participants of the upcoming training at the University of Constanta, Romania;

- organizational issues for the upcoming teacher training;

- key points on the supply and receipt of equipment by partner countries;

- payment and paperwork procedures for Staff costs.