16 june, 2022

Chairman of the Board-Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev met with Vice President of Samsung Electronics James Kim in scientific library of Al-Farabi.

Expressing appreciation for the visit and the interest shown by the representatives of the Korean company, the head of the university noted the readiness of KazNU to implement various educational programs and scientific projects.

Aimed at comprehensive development, KazNU has risen to 150th place in the QS ranking among the best universities in the world, two official branches of the university have been established in Turkey and the Kyrgyz Republic. The university successfully operates certification centers, institutes, academies of high-tech companies such as Samsung, Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Copisa Minolta, Fujitsu, Alcatel, Microsoft, Kaspersky Lab, Huawei and etc.

Since 2015 Samsung Electronics commissioned courses on the development of mobile applications, stuff technologies and machine learning that were designed by KazNU academic staff.

“In recent years international and republican level competitions on digital electronics, Smart technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence and educational laboratory stands have been jointly held among students and schoolchildren. Annually approximately 100 students and 80 schoolchildren of Almaty receive practical skills in the sphere of modern digital technologies at the Samsung Innovation Academy,” Rector of the university expressed support for all initiatives aimed at fruitful bilateral cooperation.

In turn, James Kim, Vice President of Samsung Electronics thanked the university management for the warm welcome and expressed hope for further close cooperation with the leading university of Kazakhstan. During the negotiations, representatives of the company shared information concerning company's new products and areas of its activities. The sides exchanged views and discussed issues of collaboration on the further development of mutual cooperation.


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