"The Heritage Of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi And The Spiritual Culture Of The Kazakh People"

27 june, 2022

Dear colleagues!

Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University together with the Al-Farabi Center invite you to take part in the webinar series "The Heritage Of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi And The Spiritual Culture Of The Kazakh People". The webinars will be held from 14 to 30 June 2022. Yasawi's teachings and his creative heritage occupy a huge place in the spirituality of mankind, including in the worldview of the Kazakh people. Yasawi's heritage historically plays a creative role, being a kind of shield that helps to overcome various spiritual upheavals and challenges that we may face in the future. One of the main goals of the webinar series is to show the viability of Yasawi's teachings, its relevance in today's realities and that it will remain so in the future. The important point in organizing a series of webinars is the demonstration of the continuity of Yasawi's ideas in the spiritual and intellectual culture of the Kazakh people. Also, a series of webinars is designed to highlight promising areas for modern scientists in the study of Yasawi's creative heritage.


Speakers: distinguished scientists and researchers of Yasawi's heritage in Kazakhstan.

 Organizers: Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science and Al-Farabi Center of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Address: Al-Farabi Library, Al-Farabi Ave., 71/27

Contact phone: 8 (727) 377-33-33 (1698), 8 (727) 377-33-33 (1397)

E-mail: al-farabi@kaznu.edu.kz


  • ·         Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science Al-Farabi Kazakh National University together with the Al-Farabi Center invite you to take part in the


Organizers: Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science and Al-Farabi Center of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Address: Al-Farabi Library, Al-Farabi Ave., 71/27

Contact phone: 8 (727) 377-33-33 (1698), 8 (727) 377-33-33 (1397) 

E-mail: al-farabi@kaznu.edu.kz


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