29 july, 2022

The Public Foundation "Qazaqstan Halqyna" this year announced a competition for awarding grants and scholarships within the framework of the charity program "Educational grants of "Qazaqstan Halqyna ".

The Foundation provides grants with scholarships for applicants from low-income rural families, orphans and children with disabilities who have not received a state or other grant to pay for higher education under bachelor's degree programs.

Applicants for a grant and scholarship from the Public Foundation "Qazaqstan Halqyna" must submit application to the admissions committee of the selected university in the period from August 10-17. It should be noted that the applicant must apply independently. Applicants should consider that the requirements for the Unified National Testing may change, therefore it is necessary to clarify this information from the university he/she is planning to apply.

The Foundation also provides an opportunity for students studying on paid basis to continue their studies at the expense of the Fund. To receive a grant and a scholarship from the Public Foundation "Qazaqstan Halqyna", students should submit online applications from August 1 to August 15 on the website of the NGO "Taiburyl": https://www.taiburyl.kz/.

Grantees must comply with the academic requirements of the host university and are required to complete a full course of study during the program. Failure to comply with this condition may be grounds for termination of financial support.

The grant with a scholarship covers the entire period of study under the bachelor's degree programs, from the moment of conclusion of contracts within the framework of the program. The limit on the cost of training is up to 1 million KZT for each student-grantee, if the annual cost of training of a student exceeds the amount indicated above, the difference must be paid by the student-grantee himself.

The grant allocated by the Foundation is gratuitous assistance. The amount is non-refundable and after completing the training, the grant holder is not obliged to work off the funds spent on his training.

The selection of applicants and the final decision are carried out by the admissions office or any other commission operating under the chosen universities within the framework of the implementation of educational grants. Applicants for a grant among students are selected by a commission established at the NGO "Taiburyl". Full information about the program can be found on the website of "Qazaqstan Halqyna": https://qazaqstanhalqyna.kz/ru/programs.html

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