Meeting with scientists of Nazarbayev University!

7 october, 2022

On October 30, 2022, within the framework of the program "Days of Nazarbayev University in Almaty", a meeting with scientists of Nazarbayev University took place. Scientist Yertay Rakhmanov and foreign Associate Professor Syed Ali met with young scientists and students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The meeting was held in the direction of sports science, management, innovation. During the meeting, Associate Professor Syed Ali introduced everyone to the Master's program in sports medicine and rehabilitation developed by him. At the end of this program, students will receive a master's degree. The program provides undergraduates with theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. The main focus of the program is on research, which will help graduates develop analytical skills, a love of science, and also increase interest in innovations in the field of healthcare.