Leadership lecture by Professor E.E. Duisenov

9 october, 2022


On October 6, a Leadership lecture by Doctor of Law, Professor Duisenov Yerkin Ermanovich was held at the Faculty of Law of KazNU. He is the author of a textbook and numerous textbooks on public service, comments on the Law on Public Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


During the event dedicated to the topical topic for sovereign Kazakhstan, a trusting dialogue between the lecturer and the audience immediately developed, many questions were asked that concern the younger generation of Kazakhstanis, which once again confirms the importance and timeliness of holding such meetings of students with professionals and the scientific elite of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The organizers and moderators of the event were the scientific community "Fair Law", lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law - Doctor of Law, Professor Kalisheva N.H.