20 october, 2022

At the beginning of October, the XXXIV Congress of the Eurasian Association of Trade Union Organizations of Universities was held at the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn (Bishkek). The Association unites more than 60 universities from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Russian Federation. The main theme of the congress "National peculiarities of the development of the trade union movement in universities: legislative aspects and practice of activity" is very close to the Parasat trade union of KazNU employees. We are one of the oldest members of the Association and constantly participate in its work.
At the plenary session, the President of the EAPOU, Vice-Rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chairman of the Joint Trade Union Committee of the Moscow State University I.Kotlobovsky suggested discussing trends in the development of higher education systems, changes in the work of university trade unions caused by them, new approaches to remuneration and social protection of employees and students of universities of the member countries of the Association. The delegates of the congress were greeted by Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University V.Sadovnichy and Rector of Balasagyn KNU T.Abdyrakhmanov.
In my report, I told about the achievements of KazNU in recent years, about a significant increase in the wages of employees, about improving the working conditions of teachers and students, about working on a collective agreement and how the trade union builds a social partnership with the university management. The performance aroused great interest among the audience. The chairman of the student trade union "Sunkar" B.Nuridin highlighted the youth policy of the university.
Chairman of the joint trade union committee of the KNU named after J.Balasagyn K.Zhumabekov, Chairman of the trade union committee of the Grodno State University named after him shared their vision of the work of university trade unions. Yanka Kupala I. Kerget, representative of Yerevan State University G. Harutyunyan, Professor of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts V. Vasiliev, representative of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Arkhangelsk) S.Sorokin, Chairman of the Trade union Committee of Dagestan State University N.Rabazanov and others.
Analyzing the work of the congress, I would like to note that our trade union faces new challenges in finding innovative ways of activity.