A meeting was held with district police inspector Seitnurov Almas Yermukhanbetuly

21 october, 2022

📌 A meeting with the 1st year students was held with the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, police district inspector Seitnurov Almas Yermukhanbetuly.
📌At the meeting, he talked about not violating administrative law, not drinking alcohol in public places, not smoking, not littering, not stealing, and the rights and duties of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Preventive measures were taken to prevent students from committing a crime.
📌 Nusipova Zhanar, an employee of the student house, introduced the rules of the dormitory.
Narbaeva Saltanat, deputy head of the "Information Systems" department for educational and educational work, senior curator Kojanova Aida, 1st year advisor Ahmed Gulmaral warned about the code of honor, academic policy, internal order, rules.