24 october, 2022

The faculty leadership presented the goals and objectives of creating such a council, the policy of the university's academic committee and educational programs.

Representatives of employers' organizations who took part in the meeting also shared their thoughts. They also showed interest in the process of training future specialists and said that they are actively involved in this process and will not regret their help. A graduate of our faculty, a leading researcher at the Institute of Literature and Art. M. Auezov, head of the department, doctor of philological sciences. Kydyr Torali Edilbayuly noted in his speech that they are ready to involve the scientists of our faculty in research projects, to have a hand in improving the BES. This meeting was also attended by Chursin Mikhail Vitalyevich, a graduate of the Department of Sinology, and now the general manager of the department for working with the main clients of the Hua Wei company. In his speech, Mikhail made a proposal to include in the set of subjects that would develop practical abilities, in addition to academic education. Alina Anar, a graduate of the Far East Branch, a leading specialist of Shinkhan Bank Kazakhstan JSC, and Sagymbek Ainur, a leading specialist of the Human Resources Department, supported the creation of a joint academic committee in harmonizing the educational process with the requirements of employers and training specialists, and also conducted an examination to improve educational programs in accordance with the requirements of employers in the future and expressed their readiness to give various proposals. There is no doubt that the opinions and suggestions of experienced professionals close to direct production are very important in the preparation of educational programs. In the future, our faculty plans to invite each employer and hold various meetings, seminars and round tables.