«Modern Problems of Functional Stylistics and Pragmalinguistics»Farabi University

«Modern Problems of Functional Stylistics and Pragmalinguistics»

27 october, 2022

From 19 September to 14 October 2022 Professor A.K. Kiklevich from the University of Warmia and Mazury (Poland) delivered the lectures on the general topic «Modern Problems of Functional Stylistics and Pragmalinguistics». It was a 72 hour cycle of lectures delivered within the framework of professional development. From September 19 to 26, the lectures were held offline. Starting with September 27 the lectures were delivered online.

Master degree and PhD students also took part in the seminars on the topics of their dissertation research to improve the quality of their research. At the end of the course, the participants were awarded the certificates. Professor A.K. Kilkevich also give some recommendations to the participants on publishing research papers in the Scopus journals.