Scientific trip to the camel breeding of Daulet-Beket limited liability company in the ethnographic and ethnoecological directio

3 november, 2022

On October 27, 2022, the Department of archeology, Ethnology and museology organized a scientific trip in the ethnographic and ethnoecological directions to the village of Akshi, Almaty region, in the Valley of the kurti River, to the camel breeding of Daulet-Beket LLC.
Құрамы composition of the team of scientists:
Kartayeva Tattigul-professor, candidate of historical sciences, ethnographer (group leader);
Eurim Olcher Ozinel-member of the International Commission on intangible cultural heritage of the International Organization UNESCO, member of the National Commission of UNESCO of Turkey, associate professor of Ankara Haji Bayram Veli University, PhD (Turkey, Ankara);
Sala Renato - leading researcher, archaeologist of the International Laboratory" geoarchaeology " (Italy);
Deom Jean-Marc-senior researcher at the International Laboratory" geoarchaeology", archaeologist (Belgium).
Ethnographic scientists carried out preliminary control and exploration in the direction of ethnosurgery, ethnozoology, ethnomedicine related to camels; geoarchaeological scientists carried out preliminary control and exploration in the direction of geoethnoecology, geoethnobotany related to the provision of camel grazing.
The group of scientists was worked by the director of Daulet-Beket LLP Sydik Abuovich Dauletov.