20 october, 2022

October 20, 2022 held a round table dedicated to the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "The Day of the Republic - the first step of the country on the road to independence. The round table was organized by the Department of International Law at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The main purpose of the round table was to get acquainted with the holiday "Day of the Republic", which occupies an important place in the history of Kazakhstan, as well as to discuss the main stages of development of Kazakhstan, the path to become a united and sovereign republic.At the round table were invited professors and lecturers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students.The moderator of the round table was the head of the International law department, Associate Professor Sairambaeva Zh.T. and the organizer, PhD, Associate Professor Baimagambetova Z.M. With welcoming speech to the participants of the round table addressed the Dean of the International relations faculty, PhD, Associate Professor Jekenov Duman Kurmangazievich, noting the importance of celebrating the national holiday.

Great interest was aroused by the speech of the invited guests - Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Sabikenov Salahiden Nursarievich. He shared his practical experience, discussed the importance of celebrating the Day of the Republic, the main achievements of the country during the years of independence, the issues aimed at maintaining stability in society. In addition, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, Director of the "G-global" Shakirov Karimzhan Nurumovich, Doctor of Law, Professor Aidarbayev Sagyngali Zholamanovich, candidate of law, associate professor Samaldikov Maksut Kushekovich discussed legal aspects of the legal system of Kazakhstan in the context of current political and legal events in society and the state, as well as noted the need to promote the interests of Kazakhstan in the international arena.

During the round table presentations of the following participants were heard and discussed:

➢ Orazaeva Alina Bekbolatkyzy, 2nd year master's students

Declaration of state sovereignty - an important step on the way to independence;

➢ Tasan Sayat Yoltayuly, 2nd year master students

The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an important step towards independence;

➢ Pirnazarov Kudaiberdy Bakhtiyarovich, 2nd year master students

Day of Republic as a symbol of statehood;

➢ Mereke Bayan Nurlankyzy, 2nd year Magistrate

Declaration of state sovereignty - new epoch in constitutional development of Kazakhstan;

➢ Serik Kazyna Aydynuly, 2nd year master students

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the basis of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The round table was informative and informative in lively discussion. We thank all participants for active participation, interesting and informative presentations!