Round table within the framework of the pre-election platform "Fair Kazakhstan - for everyone" on the topic: "New Kazakhstan: modern digital opportunities for marketing and logistics".

15 november, 2022

November 15, 2022 in the conference hall of the HSEiB KazNU named after al-Farabi round table within the framework of the pre-election platform "Fair Kazakhstan - for everyone" on the topic: "New Kazakhstan: modern digital opportunities for marketing and logistics" was held. The moderator of the round table was the head of the Department of Business Technologies of the Higher School of Economics of KazNU, Ph.D., Associate Professor Akhmetova Z. B. The organizers of the round table were: Akhmetova Z. B., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of Business Technologies" Department of the Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU, Tovma N.A., PhD, Deputy Head of Business Technologies" Department for Scientific and Innovation Work and International Relationssenior lecturers of Business Technologies" DepartmentSharapieva M. D. and Shurenov N. B., teacher Musa K.

The dean of the Higher School of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Professor Bimendiyeva L.A made a welcoming speech and wished success and fruitful work to all those present.

The speakers of the round table were: Aldanysh Tulepekova (Chief Manager of the Marketing and Tariff Policy Department of KTZ Express JSC), Tatyana Drozd (Chief Manager of the Marketing and Tariff Policy Department of KTZ Express JSC), Adilova Nazdana Jems-Uatovna (PhD), Senior Lecturer of "Business Technologies" Department of Al-Farabi KazNUErimpasheva Aida Tilektesovna (Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of "Business Technologies" Department of Al-Farabi KazNU), Asanova Araylym Danaevna (teacher of "Business Technologies" Department of al-Farabi KazNU), as well as doctoral students, undergraduates and students of "Business Technologies" Department of Al-Farabi KazNU.

During the round table, issues such as: infrastructural projects of Kazakhstan for the development of transit potential, the effectiveness of Kazakhstani transport corridors in the context of geopolitical risks, automation of business processes of a national logistics company and the creation of a digital corridor on the Trans-Caspian international transport route were discussed.