Improving environmental culture

16 november, 2022

In November, the public association "Өркениетті Қазақстан", commissioned by the internal policy of the Almaty region, implemented the project "Экологиялық мәдениетті нығайту" among residents of the Almaty region. As part of the project, the public association held a training seminar on improving environmental culture among young people.

Within the framework of this project, Senior Lecturer of UNESCO chair on Sustainable Development of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, PhD. G.A. Mukanova lectured to school children at training seminars. The purpose of this visiting lecture is to increase the environmental literacy of schoolchildren, replenish their environmental knowledge and acquire the necessary eco-culture skills.

The project also covered other schools in the Almaty region: Esik, Talgar, Konaev, Zhambyl, Karasai, Ili, Balkhash, Kegen, Raiymbek and Uigur districts.

During the lectures, topics on the formation of ecological culture, environmental problems of the environment, the role of sustainable development models and the circular economy were discussed. Schoolchildren were introduced to global trends related to ecology: zero waste and 6R, the causes of air pollution, the impact of pollution on human health and the environment, the role of alternative energy sources.

The education of ecological culture among young people is the key to the sustainable development of mankind.