17 sustainable development goals. Use of renewable energy sources

23 november, 2022

Undergraduates of the specialty "7M05404 – Mechanics"Zhaksymbet Arailym, Kamash Medet and Zhurginbai Daulet held an open lesson on the topic: "17 Sustainable Development Goals. The use of renewable energy sources".

Purpose: to introduce students to current problems and discuss ways to solve them during the lesson.




The structure of the lesson meets the requirements of creating a modern lesson. Modern pedagogical technologies were thoughtfully used in the lesson: information and communication, level differentiation, problem-based teaching methods. In addition to studying new material, a review and repetition of the previous material was carried out in the lesson. The dialogue between the teacher and the students also showed their ability to generalize, draw conclusions, and apply the knowledge gained in practice. The lesson was effective, with a good working environment, a friendly atmosphere and achieved its goal.

Accepted: Turalina Dinara