25 november, 2022

The students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Management" of the Kazakh department📚 Higher School of Economics 📊 and Business💵 KazNU named after al-Farabi, organized on 25.11.2022. intellectual game "Manager's Kurultay" among students of the 2nd year of HSEB 👔.⚜️
📈The purpose of the intellectual game "Manager's Kurultay" is to increase the level of knowledge, as well as to establish friendly 🤝 relations 🫂 between students.🔹The game was very interesting, the teams were also strong. The game started before the session 📚preparation of students for the exam on the subject "management".
🔶In conclusion, we can say that such events strengthen knowledge, skills, friendship between the teams, and today we have achieved this goal.🙌
Jury and guests: Spanov M.U., Abishkyzy A., Zhakupbekova G.E., Zhumagazieva A.G., Zainazar A.Zh., Dosymbek A.
Responsible advisor: Unerbaeva R.U., Taszharganov S.I.