6 february, 2023

Press release


On February 21-25, 2023, the Scientific Center for Humanitarian Studies "Mediasphere" of the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will organize the X International Winter School of Journalism and Communication. dedicated to the World Radio Day and the 30th anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations for world peace "RADIO AS a LIFEGUARD: how radio helps to reduce tensions in a digital society".


Since 2014, the Faculty of Journalism of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, with the support of the UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office, has been holding an International Winter School of Journalism and Communication, which has become traditional and is dedicated to World Radio Day.


The theme of the World Radio Day, which will be celebrated on February 13, 2023 for the twelfth time, is "Radio and the World"


War, being the opposite of peace, is an armed conflict between countries or different groups within a country, but can also be expressed in a conflict of ideological attitudes disseminated by the media. Ideological attitudes can, in a certain context, increase tension or preserve conditions for peace: for example, contribute to the stormy or calm course of elections, rejection or integration of repatriates, the growth or weakening of nationalist fever, etc. By reporting news and informing the general public, radio stations form public opinion and discourse that can influence the domestic and international situations and decision-making processes.


Radio is indeed capable of fueling conflicts, but in practice professional radio helps to mitigate conflicts and/or tensions by preventing their escalation or facilitating reconciliation and reconstruction negotiations. At a time when certain tensions existed or still exist in society, relevant programs and independent news reports create the basis for sustainable democracy and effective governance, since their authors collect data on what is happening, provide impartial and factual information to citizens, explain tasks and promote dialogue between different groups in society.


"... Thoughts of war arise in people's minds, therefore, the idea of protecting peace should be rooted in people's minds." UNESCO Charter, adopted in London on November 16, 1945


That is why the support of independent radio should be considered as an integral part of ensuring peace and stability. In 2023, on World Radio Day, UNESCO would like to draw attention to the fact that independent radio is one of the pillars of conflict prevention and peace-building.


The role of radio in conflict prevention

and peace-building


Radio is an important partner and one of the key conditions for maintaining peace and organizing the transition process. As part of its function of forming the agenda and providing basic services, it focuses on issues of concern and requiring attention from the authorities and citizens, and clearly demonstrates their relevance.

By making a program in a certain way and choosing editorial topics, professional radio works with the underlying causes and factors of conflict development, preventing them from escalating into violence.


The programs devoted to specific problems contribute to highlighting the shortcomings of society, structural imbalance, poverty, disputes over resources or territories, corruption, arms race, etc., exploring, in accordance with journalistic standards, the factors underlying the conflict and settlement options. Radio editorial materials can also warn about factors that sometimes become an impulse for military action, such as incorrect assessment of the situation, increased propaganda, rapid growth of specific contradictions, escalation of tension in some areas, etc. The radio offers an alternative method of conflict prevention by explaining the causes of dissatisfaction or conflict of interests, as well as misunderstandings, identifying sources of distrust and etc . This work can become one of the factors of countering hatred, the desire to take revenge or take up arms.


Conflict prevention and peace-building are promoted not by emergency reports of radio stations, but by the responsibility of specialists working in the field of radio to citizens, fact-checking, accuracy, balance of reports and journalistic investigations that are behind all broadcast news and programs. Freedom from commercial, ideological or political influence strengthens the role of radio in ensuring peace. In addition, the culture of dialogue is also strengthened by various methods of cooperation of specialists who make up the broadcast program, in particular, participatory programs and formats of interaction, such as studio calls, talk shows, listener forums, etc., which provide an opportunity to democratically discuss on the air not always obvious problems, including disagreements.


By acting in this way, professional independent radio strengthens democracy and creates the basis for sustainable peace. Therefore, it should be taken into account more often in conflict prevention and peace-building strategies and be sure to pay attention to it when providing assistance to the media.


Independent radio support


The history of the services provided by radio to society shows that raising journalistic standards and strengthening the potential of radio should be considered as an investment in peace. Radio can be supported in various ways: through emergency funding or structural assistance to radio as a sector, by encouraging the adoption of appropriate laws and regulations, promoting pluralism and diversity of radio stations, protecting their independence, creating conditions for acceptable taxation or general financial viability of radio, etc.


Otherwise, there is a risk that radio will consciously or unintentionally contribute to increasing the dynamics of the conflict, and the reason for this may be unstable editorial policy, loyalty to certain managers or owners, censorship, control, self-censorship, anti-terrorist laws, organized crime, etc.


Support for independent radio stations should be increased now, in recognition of their important role in ensuring peace.





Dear colleagues, friends! We are glad to welcome you to the 10th Winter School of Journalism and Communication. The event will be held offline in the Tau-Turan Educational and Recreation Complex, Almaty region, Ile-Alatau State National Park, Belbulak Gorge. This year students, teachers and journalists from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and China are expected to participate




Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 71 Al-Farabi KazNU

Faculty of Journalism

Departments of Print and Electronic Media

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Sultanbayeva Gulmira Serikbayevna

Telegramm, Whatsapp: +77073777049

e-mail: winterschoolkz@gmail.com


Conditions of participation in the Winter School

of Journalism and Communication


For teachers and staff – 6000 tenge per day for meals + 4000 tenge for accommodation - only 10000 tenge per day. For students – 6000 tenge per day for meals + 2000 tenge for accommodation – only 8000 tenge per day


Phone number of the Tau-Turan administration:

+7 707 306 0677