Doctoral student Ismailova Saule received a certificate from Coursera

13 march, 2023

    2nd year doctoral student of the Department of the Far East Ismailova Saule completed the course and received a certificate from Sungkyunkwan University - A Bridge to the World: Korean Language for Advanced Ⅰ on the Coursera platform. It should be mentioned that Sungkyunkwan University is in the top-500 in QS Ranking.

    According to Saule, she has been familiar with this platform for a long time and previously took free courses without obtaining a certificate. Having learned in January about the signing of a memorandum between Coursera and the Kazakh Ministry of Education and Science Saule decided to complete the full course and get a certificate. In addition, knowledge from new areas of knowledge in marketing was needed to conduct a high-quality doctoral research. The doctoral student is a member of the academic committee for the quality of education of the Faculty of Oriental Studies in the 2022-2023 academic year and the chairman of research work with students at the faculty. This was also the reason for taking this course, since Saule decided to test the knowledge taught on the platform “on herself”.

   According to Ismailova S., the Korean course is well organized, 5 topics were covered using new and complex advanced vocabulary, each topic was reinforced with new grammar and frequently used expressions. The topics are quite interesting and relevant: artificial intelligence, the fight against illiteracy, difficulties in communicating with Koreans, etc. Saule believes that this course would be suitable for senior students and undergraduates to broaden their knowledge.

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