Legal culture in different professions -round table

5 april, 2023

On April 3, 2023, an open round table was held on the topic: “Legal culture in different professions” with 1st year masters of the specialty 7M 02304 “Translation in the field of international and legal relations” of the Faculty of International Relations of al-Farabi Kazakh National University Tastanova R., Muratbek N. During the round table, masters and 3rd year students of the International Law specialty talked about legal culture in various professions, asked and answered questions. Improving the legal culture of citizens, especially young people, plays an important role in strengthening their sense of personal responsibility for the success of reforming society and increasing their social activity. The conversation was held in the spirit of openness, - said the curator of the group, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor A.S. Smagulova She vividly demonstrated that our students form their own opinion, oratorical culture, and a strong desire to acquire legal knowledge.