There are two things you should not make a mistake in life, one of them is choosing a profession

18 april, 2023

       There are two things you should not make a mistake in life, one of them is choosing a profession. I am a native of Ayagoz city. After graduating from school in 2016, I entered Khatu. I was always interested in the history, culture and traditions of foreign countries, people and mythology of the peoples of the world, so I wanted to connect my future life with foreign countries. Thus, during his studies, the dream of becoming an ambassador appeared. After graduating from Khatu in 2020, I wanted to enter the profession of translator. I studied all educational institutions and chose KazNU, which is considered the best educational institution in the country. But an unexpected challenge appeared before me. In order to enter the higher education degree for the second time, it was necessary to gather at least 5 students in the group, but no one applied for this academic year. However, seeing my desire to study, the teachers of the study center of KazNU and the Faculty of Oriental Studies opened a group for me alone. Thus, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to KazNU for giving the student the opportunity to realize his potential. Also, I would like to thank the teaching staff of the Faculty of Oriental Studies for their patient work and help in acquiring important knowledge and skills. Their invaluable contribution to the development of every student deserves praise and gratitude. I thank you for communicating with students, increasing their interest in learning, showing patience and listening to us every time! The time we spent at the university remains one of the brightest pages in our lives. The valuable experience gained at the university will definitely be a support for us in the future. We have mastered one of the most interesting professions and are now ready to contribute to the prosperity and development of society.Applicants, our education is the future of our country! Everyone remember these wonderful, carefree and sometimes difficult student years. I wish you success, strength, inspiration, bright impressions, easy exams and interesting events. Let the student years pass easily, carefree, and leave pleasant memories for a lifetime. We are the future of New Kazakhstan, it is in our hands to introduce our homeland to foreigners, let's just work hard!

Saule Rifkhatovna Rifkhatova

Translation course 3rd year

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