The demo lesson on the topic: Victory Day

28 april, 2023

 On 28.04.2023 the senior lecturer of the Deaprtment of Russian Philology and World Literature, Tursaliyeva L.A. conducted a demo lesson on the topic: “Victory Day” with the 1st year students of the faculty of journalism.

Purpose of the lesson was to develop patriotic feelings and instill the feeling of pride for the homeland.

The lesson objective was to make the students aware of historically significant dates and the Great Patriotic War events. The students knew about Kazakh people’s contribution to the Great Victory.

There were 32 students took part in the event, having demonstrated a high activity.

They participated in the lesson not only as listeners, but also shared their own ideas and thoughts about the Great War.

Many students knew not only the key dates of the Great Patriotic War, which they had probably learned at school, but also had an information about some curious facts. At the end of the event all the participants said that they had received a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions from this event.

Having held this event, the participants and the organizers paid respects for those who died giving their lives for the freedom of their homeland.

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