The Republican Round-Table Discussion on the topic: "The Problems of the Kazakh Language Level Teaching"

19 may, 2023

On May 19, 2023,  A. Baitursynuly Department of Kazakh Linguistics was a co-organizer of the Republican Round-Table Discussion on the topic: The Problems of the Kazakh Language Level Teaching" . The  event was moderated by A. Salkynbai, the Head of A. Baitursynuly Department of Kazakh Linguistics. The famous scholars of Kazakhstan: Candidate of Philological Sciences Imankulova S.M., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Suleimenova Zh.N., Professor A.T. Akyzhanova (International University of Information Technologies), Candidate of Philological Sciences Kapalbek B.S., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Ilyasova N.E., Ph.D. Zaisanbaev T.K. ( S.Zh. Asfendyarov Kazakh National Medical University), Candidate of Philological Sciences N. Zh. Bekeeva (KIMEP) took part in the discussion.

During the conference, the participants discussed the following issues: “Main problems of  the Kazakh language” level teaching", “Scientific and theoretical paradigms of the Kazakh language level teaching”, “Positions and competence-based system of  the Kazakh language level teaching”, “Methods used in the Kazakh language level teaching””The development of Kazakh - speaking skills of language learners”. At the end of the round-table  discussion each participant shared one's viewpoint on the problems raised during the discussion .

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