Students of the department of indology take part in the international forum

24 may, 2023

Students of the Department of Indology of the Department of the Middle East and South Asia take part in the international forum held in India as part of the "Hindi Vishva Yatra". The forum will be held on May 20-29, 2023. Students from such countries as Australia, Fiji, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mauritius, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Tajikistan, Tanzania will represent their countries at the international forum. 1st year master's students Abilmazhinova Zarina, Urumova Togzhan, 4th year student Duysenova Arai will present information about the teaching of the Hindi language, the development of Indology in Kazakhstan. During a visit to India, students of the Department of Indology met with the President of ICCR, Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe.

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