29 may, 2023

Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev met with the Secretary General of the Silk-Road Universities Network (SUN) with Mr. Hwang Sungdon.

The guest of honor got acquainted with the campus of the university, visited the museum of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and met with the leadership of the university. KazNU is one of the founders of this organization and a member of the Board of Directors of SUN. The international organization unites 81 universities and institutes from 28 countries of the world (Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the USA) which cooperate for the purpose of Silk Road research. Every year, the organization holds international and local conferences and implements various cultural programs.


During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of further development of the network and prospects for the development of relations, the implementation of joint projects.


"We are interested in actively participating in all projects initiated by the organization, as well as holding large-scale events at KazNU. In our opinion, it is needed to unite SUN members in the areas of activity in order to implement joint scientific and educational projects," the rector stressed. 


In response, the Secretary General of the Silk Road University Network, Mr. Hwang Sungdon made a number of proposals regarding the prospects of partnership. In particular, he suggested to hold an international economic conference at KazNU in 2024 as part of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the university. "It is an honor and for us to celebrate significant events in the life of the partner university. The conference can be devoted to the interaction of KazNU and the SUN. We would also like to involve your students in participating in events held by SUN. In particular, this year's speakers' competition will be held in Bucharest (Romania). We invite KazNU students to participate in it." Mr. Hwang Sungdon announced.



Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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