KazNU and Jiaotong University signed a memorandum on the establishment of the Center for Legal Studies of China and Central Asia

4 july, 2023

A delegation from China headed by Vice-President of Xi'an Jiaotong University Shang Wenhua arrived at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The delegation included: Director of the Central Asian Law Research Center, Silk Road Institute of International and Comparative Law, Professor Sofia Ushurova, Party Secretary of the School of Materials Science and Engineering Gao Hong, Deputy Director of the Department of Social Sciences Research Zhang Riping, Deputy Director of the Department of Human Resources Duan Hengqiang, Employee of the Department of International Cooperation and don't Drink Chew.

A campus tour was held for the delegation. The guests visited the Center of Medicinal Plants, the Cluster of Engineering and High-tech Technologies, the Center for Process Innovations, the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Law. They also visited the museum and the Situation Management Center.

Then the guests were received by the Chairman of the Board – Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebayev. In his speech, the Rector of KazNU stressed that during the state visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev to China in May 2023, documents were signed that contribute to the deepening of cooperation of KazNU. In particular, the agreements: on cooperation with the Northwestern Polytechnic University, the opening of a branch on the basis of KazNU, the creation of a Chinese-Kazakh Laboratory of Remote sensing Technologies and their application jointly with the Institute of Geography and Ecology of the XUAR. A memorandum of understanding was also signed with Shenzhen University and a letter of intent for cooperation with Beijing Petroleum University.

During the meeting, the members of the delegation from Xi'an Jiaotong University were provided with information about the multidisciplinary activities of the university, about the experience of scientific and educational cooperation with universities and institutes of the People's Republic of China.

KazNU maintains close relations with fifty (50) higher educational institutions and organizations of the People's Republic of China. Among them: Xi'an Jiaotong University, Northwestern Polytechnic University, Lanzhou University, Shenzhen University, Peking University, Shanghai University of Foreign Languages, Shanghai University of Politics and Law and many others.

In his speech, the rector stressed the importance of further strengthening cooperation, and also spoke about the universities of the People's Republic of China, whose delegation recently visited the Treasury and showed interest in cooperation. The head of the university also noted that active work has been established between KazNU and universities of China on the program of academic mobility of students and teaching staff. Over the past three years, 79 KazNU students have completed training and scientific internships at summer schools of universities in China, as well as 37 teachers have improved their qualifications. 401 students from China are studying at KazNU today. The university has a Department of Chinese Studies at the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Confucius Institute.

During the negotiations, the parties discussed a number of issues on the joint development of a roadmap for strengthening cooperation, deepening legal research between the two countries, strengthening the exchange of students and teaching staff, launching two-degree educational programs in public international law, humanitarian and technical areas, organizing joint scientific seminars between the scientific schools of the two universities in the field of legal research, etc.

In turn, Vice President, Professor Shang Wenhua spoke about the activities of Jiaotong State Research University in Xi'an, which is a leading national university and trains specialists in engineering, technology, applied economics, management and life sciences. Xi'an Jiaotong University was founded in 1896 and today 44,325 students study there, 1924 of them are foreign students. At the end of the meeting, the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding and the establishment of the Center for Legal Studies of China and Central Asia took place.

Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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