The "Gold Man" appeared in the KazNU Museum

20 july, 2023

The exposition of the main museum of the university was supplemented by a copy of the Golden Man – a historical relic of the Great Steppe.

The author of the copy is an artist – restorer, founder and head of the scientific restoration laboratory "Island of Crimea" Krym Altynbekov.

For two months, the museum staff, under the guidance of Professor A.T. Toleubaev, worked to design an exhibition dedicated to the Golden Man. Unfortunately, professor, archaeologist, teacher Abdesh Tashkent Toleubaev, one of the scientific researchers who discovered the Golden Man to the world, did not live to see this event.

Archaeologists led by Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Abdesh Toleubayev during excavations in 2003 discovered an ancient artifact in the area of the Shilikta plain of the East Kazakhstan region. The find is dated to the VII-VIII centuries BC. The clothes made of gold belonged to a man of high social status – presumably Khan. Among the ancient peoples, gold symbolized power and eternal life. In the understanding of the Saks, the eternal, timeless golden substance existed as a symbol of eternity. Hence the name – "Golden Man".

Kazakh scientists have opened the veil of ancient culture with priceless exhibits found on the territory of the country. Thus, three "golden men" were discovered in the Kazakh steppes. The third "Golden Man" was found and glorified to the world by professor, archaeologist, pedagogue Abdesh Tashkent Toleubayev. Within the framework of the SDGs, attention is paid to archaeological finds that reveal historical facts and provide information.

Today, the main goal is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of the inauguration of national culture, literature, history, language and mentality. The study of the worldview, customs and contribution of our ancestors to the world civilization should form the identity of the nation. The land of the Great Steppe hides a huge number of unsolved mysteries, unexplored historical data.

We invite you to the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Museum to see a copy of the historical relic of the Great Steppe!

Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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