Olympic Games on Bolonsky process

19 march, 2012

The national Student's bureau on Bolonsky process in Treasury has held on March, 3rd the Olympic Games on Bolonsky process

The Olympic Games were enough difficult, check not only торетических knowledge but as included the creative task. Students Treasury well enough understand Bolonsky process. We congratulate commands occupied prize-winning places:
1 place - biology and biotechnology Faculty: Muhamezhan Ajsaule, Sulejmenova Raushan, Tastan Moldyr
2 place - oriental studies Faculty: Murat Akerke, Bekmuhanbetova Sandugash, Majkenova Ajdana
3 place - geography and wildlife management Faculty: Shabarbekova Ajsulu, Ryspekov Anuar, Babazova Fatima
3 place - Faculty of philology, literary criticism and world languages: Ajzharykov Samrat, Azatova Zhanat, Dosmanbetova Kamshat. In future НСББП plans carrying out of the Olympic Games with the big coverage of students.

The academic committee NSBBP Uspanova Diana