The Key to Success

30 march, 2023

It is well known that  learning English, practically, any foreign language is challenging and time-consuming. And it is also well known  that nowadays English has become  the key to success.! Because,  English is the Language of International Communication, English is the language of Internet,  English is the Language of Science, Business,Entertainment,  Good English raises job opportunities.

In this article with great pleasure,  I am writing  about my students.  I ‘m really fortunate to have such bright and highly motivated students, majoring in Data Science. They understand  very well that nowadays mastering English is the key to successful future.

Here are their ideas about the benefits of learning English:


1. Adilkhan:  I want to master English because I want to continue my studies in an English-speaking country in the future. For example, to acquire  master's and doctoral degree. Learning English  is easy as  today a lot of sources (textbooks, audio-visual materials) are available in English.


2. Aktoty : Since my major is Data Science and since English is the language of digital technologies  I need master English.

3. Eldar:  I believe that young people who know English are treated with special respect when they are hired for a job.. And  some large companies  require excellent English competence.

4. Aizada: Everyone has their own interests. I am proud to speak English well, because it is a modern requirement. It is really good that in our country, English is taught as a third language, that is, as a language of communication with other countries, so I consider it my goal to master this language well, and I can even say it is my hobby.

5. Tamerlan: I can watch and understand programs and movies of many countries in English from various cable TV channels. When I watch a foreign film without translation, I understand it more deeply and have a different impression.

6. Darina: I want to travel abroad and I want to speak English fluently with local people. And no matter which foreign country we go to, English will be used. I can find the place I need without getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

7. Sagi: Knowing a foreign language gives me many additional opportunities. It is quite possible that I will study abroad, go abroad and have other unexpected opportunities. If I speak English well, I might be able to find a good job online with a higher salary because we  work with computers.

8. Zere:  I am proud to study at Al-Farabi University. When I was in school, I was not much  interested in English. Now  I want to learn English very well, so I do my best to expand my vocabulary and try to speak fluently on my own. The main thing is that I know that English is very necessary for my future work.

9. Roza: I listen to English music a lot and I want to understand the meaning of those lyrics.

Basically, my goal is to master English and after graduating from this school, I want to get a job in a company that requires the English competence, because the salary will be high, or I want to study abroad. As you know, these days English is required in all places.

A.S. Orazbayeva.  

MA, senior lecturer,

Department of foreign languages