Tandem with business is the basis for the development of university science
Article by Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Zhanseit Tuimebayev in the newspaper "Kazpravda"
Today, the country's scientists celebrate their professional holiday. Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, speaking at the opening of the first session of the Parliament of the VIII convocation, noted that "the economy of Kazakhstan should be based on scientific achievements. It is not enough to conduct research and obtain a patent. It is necessary to use scientific discoveries in production. A new law should be adopted for the comprehensive development of science."
The President of the country has always focused on the development of scientific, technical and innovative activities. In order to improve the state policy in the field of science and management of the national scientific system, the National Council for Science and Technology under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established. In addition, the Government of the country recently approved the Concept of Development of Higher Education and Science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2029 in order to increase the competitiveness of domestic science and solve urgent problems at the national level.
In their activities, higher education institutions are guided by target programs and regulatory documents. Currently, universities are required to develop new technologies with their subsequent introduction into production, it is necessary to activate innovative processes, develop university science and train specialists for the scientific field.
In this direction, the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which was granted the status of a research university by a Government decree, sets new tasks for the implementation of scientific and innovative projects that contribute to the growth of the country's economy and bring profit. KazNU, which occupies the 150th place in the international QS WUR rating, has developed a Development Program for 2022-2026. When preparing the document, the possibilities of the higher educational institution, state policy and current trends in the system of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan were taken into account.
The main goal is to transform into a world–class research university. During the transformation, the university solves four strategic tasks. Firstly, it is the integration of scientific activity and the educational process at all levels of higher and postgraduate education. Secondly, the formation of a promising model of education at the university and the provision of academic leadership. Thirdly, increasing the contribution of university science to the socio-economic development of the country. Fourth, the creation of an effective corporate governance model to ensure the sustainable development of the university. The fulfillment of these strategic tasks opens the way to great opportunities. In particular, scientists who were unable to bring projects to production due to various circumstances can improve their research and commercialize it in the future.
The task of integrating scientific activity and the educational process at all levels of higher and postgraduate education is of great importance. At the same time, the university is a common link in which integration processes in the field of science, education and production are intertwined. And when implementing research programs, we are primarily focused on the development of scientific and applied research and development commissioned by the production sector. In addition, work will be carried out to improve the innovation infrastructure linking education, science and production, the creation of research and innovation centers, technology parks. The close integration of "Gylym Ordasy" and research institutes will expand the scope of cooperation of the educational institution.
Today, the university has developed a mechanism for collecting technological tasks of the real sector to increase the investment attractiveness of scientific projects. To this end, we are expanding the base of research laboratories and collective use centers. The teaching staff and students are fully involved in research activities and the implementation of scientific projects. Increasing integration into the world scientific space will be carried out through the participation of KazNU scientists in international teams based on the world's leading scientific and laboratory complexes. The number of scientific internships of scientists will also increase in order to develop international collaboration.
The University is expanding cooperation with leading Kazakh and international universities and research organizations in order to carry out research projects in the most relevant areas. The implementation of these measures will contribute to the internationalization of scientific activities and further integration of KazNU into the international research space.
The research potential of the university will be enhanced through the development of scientific schools such as plasma physics, chemistry of high molecular compounds, mathematical and computer modeling, biotechnology, molecular biology and genetics, public health, history and archaeology, psychology and others. Fundamental and applied research will focus on the priorities of socio-economic development.
We will create interdisciplinary research groups that will focus on identifying priority areas of university science. By concentrating scientific potential and resources on these areas, we will be able to ensure the investment attractiveness of research results, technology transfer and commercialization.
In order to improve the research competencies of teachers and students, trainings will be organized on the use of integrated research methods and training in the preparation of scientific publications and grant applications with the involvement of leading experts from Kazakhstani and international organizations.
A system of grant support will be introduced at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the university for the implementation of high-tech and innovative projects with commercial potential. A radical renovation of scientific laboratories and centers in priority areas of fundamental and applied research will be carried out. Equipping with advanced equipment and digital technologies will create a scientific and intellectual environment of the university.
KazNU has sufficient potential of scientific personnel for systematic work in this direction. We employ 22 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the MAN of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 11 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 14 laureates of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, 585 doctors of Sciences, 489 PhD, 801 PhD.
Integration with the leading scientific institutes and organizations of the country will be strengthened.
Studying global trends, we have implemented educational programs in the educational process in such scientific areas as alternative energy, genetic engineering, BigData, DataScience, translational medicine, ultra-precise neural systems, cyber defense, successful and intensive development of nuclear technologies, neurobiology. We are confident that these specialties will greatly benefit the future and economic stability of Kazakhstan.
Today our university is becoming a large intellectual corporation with a unique scientific and innovative infrastructure that has no analogues. There are 16 faculties, eight research institutes, a center for physico-chemical research and analytical methods, a scientific and technical park, the national laboratory of open-model nanotechnology, six institutes and 12 research centers of social and humanitarian profile, three research centers, laboratories and the Institute of Natural Sciences, 97 production branches. Every year, scientists prepare 300 scientific and technical projects and various programs, the total cost of which exceeds eight billion tenge.
KazNU scientists have something to demonstrate to society in the field of scientific innovations. For example, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology, Candidate of Biological Sciences Lyudmila Ignatova created an environmentally friendly, water-soluble and biodegradable bioplastics with the help of bacteria. For the production of bioplastics, a bioreactor, a nutrient medium and a strain are sufficient. The material itself can be produced on an industrial scale. Bioplastics can replace petroleum-based plastics. Thus, the era of plastic may become a thing of the past in the near future. In the era of globalization, humanity needs to create useful things that support the environment and human health. From this point of view, the innovation of KazNU scientists can become a significant achievement of our time.
KazNU has mastered more than two billion tenge of grant funds for the commercialization of technologies. About 1,400 inventions have been patented. The university has more than 10 innovative productions. In particular, there are small workshops that produce innovative products such as shungite concentrate, polyester resin, gas discharge lamps, medicines and carbon nanostructures, and more. In general, there are more than 100 research projects developed by our scientists at the university. More than 70 student innovation projects are being implemented as part of the student business incubator.
The KazNU Science and Technology Park monitors the progress of work on the innovative project "Creation of joint production of polycrystalline brittle powdered rock from calcium carbonate" jointly with the Central Asian Research and Design Institute "TRANSNEFT".
Another innovative successful project is "Technology for cleaning oil wells from asphalt–resin-paraffin and hydrate deposits". The automatic oil deposition purification plant developed by scientists performs purification during production, cyclically and daily, which allows oil to be extracted continuously. The device has high wear resistance parameters and needs minimal monitoring. The use of the device allows you to optimize the operating costs of cleaning up to 80% of the existing ones, reduce the risks of loss and oil spill during cleaning, reduces the negative impact of the "human factor" during operation.
At the beginning of the academic year, on the basis of the Research Center for Medicinal Plants, the grand opening of the low-tonnage production of innovative products based on plant raw materials took place. A special grant from the People's Republic of China was allocated for this project. Currently, the center is constantly working on the creation of multi-natural supplements to combat the spread of complicated respiratory viral infections. The author of the project is Professor of KazNU Zhanar Zhenis.
On April 12, the Astana International Financial Center will host a large-scale event "Technology Commercialization Reactor", for which three scientific projects of KazNU were selected. Representatives of large businesses will take part in it. The heads of innovative projects will present their projects: for the production and entry into the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan of a new drug "NANOQUQIRT" – Professor of KazNU Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev; "New technology for the production of paints and varnishes based on polyester resins with improved characteristics" – associate Professor Galiya Irmukhametova; "The use of the freezing and drying process for deep processing of fruit and berry crops" - Senior researcher at the Center for Physico-Chemical Methods of Analysis, PhD Yerbol Ihsanov. This will allow scientists to further develop and widely introduce projects ready for commercialization into production through business partnerships.
Scientific innovation projects of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which are the intellectual property of the university, are a very valuable asset for both scientists and business representatives.
The status of a research university requires us to deepen scientific directions. In this regard, the University is taking a number of specific measures to improve the professional orientation of students and young scientists and provide opportunities for research work in their future specialties. Today, analyzing the scientific projects of each department and faculty, we identify their economic efficiency. It is important to distribute projects on topical topics directly related to the solution of certain problematic issues in cities and the country as a whole. Potential scientific projects for commercialization should work in the real sector of the economy. Priority was given to the choice of project topics by establishing links with the manufacturing sector with an emphasis on government programs.
In order to differentiate all scientific projects at the university, to select those necessary for production, to improve the mechanisms of commercialization, the Council for the Development of Science is formed at KazNU. In addition, in the future we intend to create a "scientific innovation belt" to support our scientists, promote and develop university science.
The University creates all the necessary conditions for the development of creative, scientific potential of young scientists, talented students. For meetings with young scientists in a free format, discussion of topical issues of science and analysis of new proposals and ideas, the Club of Young Scientists and the Foundation of Young Scientists have been developed, which will allow introducing scientific developments into production.
Thus, the formation of a New Kazakhstan is directly related to the development of science and high-tech technologies in the country. And the progress of science is determined by the works of scientists and the value of their discoveries. Therefore, today the development of university science is a common task for all of us.